Monday, 26 September 2011

Sarapan x)

Post di mana menceritakan beberapa kepentingan bersarapan.x)

1.  Sarapan dapat memenuhi nutrisi yang diperlukan.

2.  Sarapan boleh menurunkan berat badan.
 -membuatkan pembakaran kalori lebih dinamik..

3.  Sarapan tingkatkan kemampuan otak.   
 -mampu meningkatkan sehingga 22% kebolehan otak..

4.  Perlindungan terhadap sakit jantung.
-menurunkan risiko sehingga 50%..

so,sebelum ke kelas ke ape2 acts ke.mari kite bersarapan duluuuu... xD

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Symbol,need or not?

Just matter of words~

Just matter of symbol~

Just matter of codes~

Think of it.which one better?word?symbol?code?
Lets disscuss it... x)

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Some Tips on Academical Writing -.-''

 WHY ACADEMIC WRITING?(basiclly this is for writing PSM,which needed if you want to graduate)
help you to show your supervisor,examiner and yourself...your :


There are some steps on academical writing :

1.Always use full forms,do not contract..

2.Avoid addresing your reader as "YOU"..
  -writing it polite and formal.

3.Use passive words or voice...
4.Watch your point of view..
  -objectives and impersonal or public.
  -use qualifying languages.

5.Use connectors to show logical argument..

6.Choices of words..more to expand vocabulary...

itulah beberape input yang sempat ku salin ketika menghadiri ELSP writing module 1 tadi.from 2.30-4.20..unfortunately,kelas tu x mengantuk sangat...maybe im enjoying,or maybe lack of melatolin..haaha xP

Some new quotes i got today..
~dont write the way you speak,dont ask rhetorical question,5more seconds thinking,play ctrl C and V cannot,etc~

well,its quite enjoyable for me to learn that new things.for me lah as im not join any clubs yet~plan to seek my PA or AA never been realized because of my lazinesssss.hahahha xD


Well,that's all kot.tq~ xD

"Write it COOL,STYLE and PROFESSIONAL" said that lecture of ELSP-writing xD

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Terasaaa heaven sebentar~

berikutan jadual yang 'agak' pack paa hari rabu xD i'll let it out everything to make sure or ensure everything gonna be just in water in river...errr.maybe sometime block by scraps scums or easily 'sampah'..melalut melalut melalut~xdela early at 9 dah ade PT class.ouhhhh~hampir2 pening dibuatnye.thank god ade la rumet aku yg power bab tu boleh ajar.aha.then History class...owhhh~~~ni yang heaven oi makcik makcik pakcik pakcik ~ xde la kelas kot tadi.thats why im here in cict.hahaha xD

yang xbest nyee~berita itu diampaikan setelah 40 minit appox. melangut dalam dk yang sejuk tuh...sebagai pengguna masa yang just laying my head to the desk~and close my eye slowly peacefully..*take a nap*...syiokkk jugak dapat tidok wehhh~so that im saving up my little energy for this evening.hahaha.xP

well,post ni agak bored la.cuz.i really dun have any idea bout what im typing...maybe im half 'sedar' ???wooohhhh :O

well~this game i enjoyed it play during xD

aaa~rase nye tiade ape lagi yang perlu di belog kan.i guess-..-''
so then JANE~ahahhaha xD

layan x)

Monday, 19 September 2011

Mencari Nama~

menjadi newbie dalam dunia blog ni amat membebankan.maybe...cuz nak pilih name pon susah.sudah berkali kali ku menulis..or maybe sharply,typing a name,and it just doesnt feel it right..namun ku berfikir sejenak...bermula dengan tester.omk!how weird isnt it???0.o...but lantaklaaaa.just go on with that name..
but sometime..or maybe other times~i just laughing myself while thinking bout them.PELIK beno name blog now alang2 ade mase kannn~while waiting evening class,i go to CICT and play with the locker...hebak giler locker.scan barcode die terbukak sendri.terkagum sebentarrr.hahahaha xP

Setelah puas ku bermain dengan loker itu..(walaupon xsampai bape seminit pon main,so kire main jugak la kan)errhhh..ku melangkah masuk ke CICT punye com lab kot.entahla.lupe name nye ape...terkagum lagi dengan interl duo core quad 2.66GHz...sekali lagi terkagum o.O..*dalam hati sayu.kalah processor lappy aku nih.pfft....

Ku duduk dan terus membuka mukabuku ku~lol xD
duduk sambil klik klik tetikus ini.sambil mencuba beberapa nama..untuk blog ini.....TESTER,SAUDARA,TERKESIMA,...and finally got an idea while chatting in group,or rather call spamming??hahaha. xP  this name.RAMLAN.entahlaaa...sejak dari minggu mtm aku dah tertarik ngan name sedap je kannn that's now this blog is Ramlan Blog's.ku suke ku suke ku suke.~ngahahahha xD

so the main topic is.this is testing post num 2.thank you~ x)

*maybe this is one of my happy moments.perhaps.-.-'' * lol xD

Sunday, 18 September 2011

This is testing then..test test~seem okay.-.-